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Vapoholic manufactures and retails CBD oils at affordable prices whilst keeping its pure high-strength quality. You can choose either CBD isolate Oil which only contains the cannabidiol compound or CBD Distillate Oil which contains CBD, CBDV, CBG, and other cannabinoids. All our CBD oils either have no THC or are well below the legal amount and are non-psychoactive.

Click on either the CBD Isolate or the CBD Distillate tincture to see our trusted and verified CBD Oil reviews or you can take our simple and quick CBD Quiz to see our expert recommendations for you.

Original price was: £89.96.Current price is: £74.99.
Original price was: £121.46.Current price is: £59.99.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD or Cannabidiol, is a compound that is extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant. These oils do not have any (or very-very low) amount of THC. THC is the chemical that causes the psychoactive effects (or getting high) which is illegal and cannot be manufactured.

We manufacture two types of CBD oils. The first is CBD Isolate. CBD Isolate oil only contains one type of cannabinoid (cannabidiol) which is the second most prevalent active ingredient of cannabis. The CBD sits inside MCT (coconut oil) to be ingested orally.

The second type of CBD is CBD Distillate oil. Distillate contains more than one type of cannabinoids, such as CBD, CBDV, CBG, and others. These cannabinoids are also sat within MCT oil to be ingested orally. Likewise with the CBD isolate, the oils contain a very small and almost untraceable amount of THC which is left over when extracting the THC from the oils through production.

Does CBD Work?

CBD is very popular within the market and as such there are a few manufactures all producing similar results. We only manufacture true strength and high strength CBD. You might find that you purchase a low strength inferior product from a different retailer and believe the product does not work as you expected. All our products are at strengths that we believe will have the affect you desire.

Saying this however, you need to consider that CBD reacts differently with different people all depending on your genetic mark-up, your daily routines, height/weight, and other contributing lifestyle factors that could make the CBD work in different ways. We would always recommend starting with a low dosage and continue upping the dosage until you achieve your desired results.

We go more into depth in our blog “Does CBD Oil Work?

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil?

Vapoholic manufactures a range of CBD oils and CBD Vape liquids. We also retail these directly to our customers without the need of distributors, wholesalers, or shops. This keeps our overheads low, and we can pass the savings onto you as our customer. CBD oils are very popular within the market and there are a lot of people maximising on the potential high margins which we believe is unethical given the nature of the products and their uses.

What Are Your CBD Oil Manufacturers?

Our CBD is manufactured in heart of the UK in Manchester. We have been producing CBD and other vaping e-liquids for several years and have the experience, expertise, and a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to produce only the most premium, and quality controlled, CBD oils. You might see other retailers or online vendors advertising CBD oil for sale, however, you must ensure that they are from a reputable manufacturer, registered with the MHRA, and all products are third-party lab tested. Once you have this security you know you are buying the best quality CBD oil.

What is the Best CBD Oil UK?

Each batch of CBD oils are carefully manufactured within our ISO 7 class clean room with hand picked talent in chemists and lab technicians. You can always be assured that our CBD is of best CBD oil UK quality and is third party lab verified. You can see the lab certificate within the product pages for either the CBD Isolate oil or CBD distillate oil.

Are there Any CBD Oil Side Effects?

As previously mentioned, CBD can have side effects and will work differently with different people and may produce side effects if you are already on certain medications. If you are concerned about taking CBD, you can visit SPS (Specialised Pharmancy Service) and we always recommend speaking to your doctor if you have any concerns.

Does CBD Get You High?

CBD oils contain no, or a very small trace amount of THC that was unavoidably left over during the manufacturing process. This level of THC is well below the legal amount and will not produce any psychedelic effects and will not get you high.

CBD Oil on The NHS?

Currently, CBD oils are not available via the NHS unless you have a specific condition in which you would need to see a specialist NHS doctor and might not necessarily be CBD isolate or distillate. These would be another form of cannabis to help patients with on-going illnesses in which other medical treatment has failed to work.

How Do you Take CBD Oil?

CBD oils are manufactured to sit within MCT oil (coconut oil). This combination makes the CBD oils really easy to use. The best results come from administrating the CBD oil orally by using the tincture to drop a few drops under your tongue.

The reason we advise this is the best way to take CBD oil is due to bioavailability. If you drop the CBD oil within your mouth and immediately swallow, the CBD then travels down to your stomach where it meets your stomach acid and reduces the amount of CBD you will absorb.

Simply drop a few drops of oil under your tongue and let it rest for around 60-90 seconds.

Best Time to Take CBD Oil?

There isn’t a best time to take CBD oil, it’s all about what is best for you. If you are looking to take CBD oils long-term, then we would recommend taking your CBD oils at set times each day. If you are looking to take CBD oils on a case-by-case basis, then we would recommend using CBD oils as and when you feel the need.

What's the Right CBD Oil Dosage?

There is no set dosage of CBD as CBD is not classified as a medicinal product but as a food product that supports an on-going health lifestyle.

We always recommend starting with a low dosage and working your way up until you reach your desired results. With CBD oils, this will be measured in drops of the tincture under the tongue (or more if you are adding it to food/drink products as the bio-availability as aforementioned will be lower). We would suggest 2-3 drops in one administration and waiting at least 30-60 minutes before deciding to up the dosage.

Did you know we produce CBD in e-liquid form as well? Check out our large range of different CBD e-liquid flavours!

Alternatively you can read more about CBD in our helpful CBD Guide